Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kids today: Julian Presents "Lego Road Trip" - YouTube

When I was a kid summers were spent sweating, getting bitten by mosquitoes and going to the cheap matinees. Kids today are amazing. Julian is the writer, director and producer of this stop motion short. He spent his summer making movies. This is his latest offering.
Lego Road Trip - YouTube:

He also was the cinematographer and editor on our 2012 Pearland Film Festival Entry: "Ivory Merchant Present: THE BACHELOR". We won for technical direction--Thanks, Julian. (Yes that is your lawyer acting like an Edwardian dandy so you can see why we did not win for best actor.)

Technology is a disruptive influence. It has radically altered the practice of law but for today, I'm enjoying the benefits it has with regard to the great creativity of our friend Julian.  Enjoy his work.

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