Friday, May 16, 2014

Shocking Testimony! Literally — Lawyer Administers 750-Volt Shock To Witness « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law Schools, Law Suits, Judges and Courts + Career Resources

I'll confess that I have had a few witnesses that I wanted shock over the years. This is the sort of thing that seems like such a good idea at the time. It reminds me of the time early in my married life when the Bride and I had a serious "plate thrower" of an argument. (Mainly her throwing and me ducking, but still.). At one point, (perhaps because her throwing arm was tired) my bride stomped out of the room. Being the clever and funny person I was, I knew a bit of humor always lightens the mood. For my ill-conceived prank, I placed a cup of water on the top of the door so that when she returned to resume our argument it would fall. She participated in a reasonable recreation of the the last scene from Carrie with a few changes. 1. it was just water not pig blood. 2. She was slightly more upset than Carrie.

In retrospect, there were a lot of things I could have done better.  

Fortunately she has forgiven that youthful idiocy and I've become better about judging a bad idea.

Shocking Testimony! Literally — Lawyer Administers 750-Volt Shock To Witness « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law Schools, Law Suits, Judges and Courts + Career Resources:

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